Habitats and Living Marine Resources
Marine Life - NYS DEC web site
Marine Crustaceans (lobsters, crabs) - NYS DEC web site
Marine Fish - NYS DEC web site
Marine Mammals (harbor seals) - NYS DEC web site
Marine Mollusks (oysters, clams, mussels) - NYS DEC web site
Sea Turtles - NYS DEC web site
Fishing Facts - 2011 Fishing Facts 2 page PDF brochure from NYS Senator Owen Johnson
Breeding Birds - New York State Department of Environmental Conservation web site with searchable database of the Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in New York State. Search for a list of 70 plus birds possibly, probably or confirmed to be in the Oyster Bay and Cold Spring Harbor waters using Atlas Block numbers 6152B, 6252A, 6252C and 6153c.
GeesePeace International - GeesePeace works in partnership with local governments, business and community leaders to reduce or eliminate growing human conflicts with "resident" Canada geese in communities, recreation areas, and business and commercial complexes in urban/suburban areas.
Living Shorelines - Restore America's Estuaries web site highlighting shoreline protection options that allow for natural coastal processes to remain through the strategic placement of plants, stone, sand fill, and other structural and organic materials.
Long Island Native Plants-The Long Island Native Plant Initiative (LINPI) is an all-volunteer cooperative effort of over 30 non-profit organizations, governmental agencies, nursery professionals, and citizens. The mission of this organization is to protect the genetic integrity and heritage of Long Island native plant populations and thus biodiversity from a landscape to genetic level, by establishing commercial sources of genetically appropriate local (ecotypic) plant materials for use in nursery, landscaping, and habitat restoration activities.