Polluted Runoff (Nonpoint Source Pollution)


Federal Government Resources

US Environmental Protection Agency

Green Infrastructure Opportunities that Arise During Municipal Operations - (US EPA 842-R-15-002; January 2015, 16 pp.PDF) - This document provides approaches local government officials and municipal program managers in small to midsize communities can use to incorporate green infrastructure components into work they are doing in public spaces. This guide demonstrates ways in which projects can be modified relatively easily and at a low cost.

National Pollution Discharge Elimination Program (NPDES) Stormwater Program

National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Urban Areas

Stormwater Outreach Materials and Reference Documents

After The Storm- Provides a broad overview of stormwater pollution, including runoff from residential and commercial properties, farms, construction sites, automotive facilities, forestry operations, and others.

Homeowners Guide to Improve Storm Water - (PDF Format, 2 pages) - This short brochure is targeted directly to homeowners and provides tips on a wide variety of simple things that homeowner's can do to prevent stormwater pollution. May be customized. EPA 833-B-03-003

10 Things You Can Do To Prevent Stormwater Runoff Pollution - (PDF Format, 2 pages)

Storm Water Door Hanger - (PDF Format) - Provides a friendly reminder to keep trash, chemicals, and other pollutants out of storm drains. For use by stormwater inspectors and other local officials, in conjunction with illicit discharge elimination systems. May be customized. You may use this file to reproduce this door hanger. Printed copies are no longer available from EPA. EPA 833-F-03-002


New York State Resources

Department of Environmental Conservation

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Toolbox

Stormwater Management Guidance Manual for Local Officials(Sept. 2004)


Department of Transportation

Stormwater Management


 Long Island Sound Study

Managing Stormwater: Natural Vegetation & Green Methodologies Guidance for Municipalities & Developers v 2.0 (PDF - 34 pp.) - The Suffolk County Planning Commission, National Wildlife Federation (NWF), and Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE) have prepared a document that addresses dealing with stormwater challenges on Long Island using environmentally responsible methods.

Nonpoint Source Pollution in Long Island Sound - (PDF Format, 4 pages) Long Island Sound  Study Fact Sheet

Step by Step: a citizen's guide to curbing Polluted runoff - (PDF Format 897 kb) Entertaining poster from Long Island Sound Study




Other Nonpoint Source Pollution Resources

Low Impact Development Center

Natural Resource Defense Council Storm Water Solutions (NRDC)

Nonpoint Source Education for Municipal Officials

Stormwater Manager’s Resource Center (Center for Watershed Protection)

Storm Water Management Practices for Landscape Maintenance  - (PDF Format, 2 pages)Landscaping, fertilizer tips, and other useful information for homeowners pertaining to storm water. Nassau County