Best Management Practices

The Oyster Bay/Cold Spring Harbor is adopting best management practices applied successfully in other areas to improve our local conditions including:

The CESSPOOL Project  - joint effort with the Manhasset Bay and Hempstead Harbor Protection Committees, the Town of Oyster Bay and Friends of the Bay to increase awareness of and encourage action to properly maintain onsite wastewater treatment systems (i.e. cesspools and septic systems). Visit Nassau County S.E.P.T.I.C. or Reclaim Our Waters the Suffolk County Septic Improvement Program to learn more.
Resident Canadian Geese Management - implementing watershed wide plan to reduce the impact of waterfowl on water quality through education (i.e. Don't Feed the Waterfowl) and population control (i.e. egg oiling).
Pet Waste Management - encouraging our neighbors to "Scoop the Poop". Dog waste is not only inconvenient to step in but it can impair our local waterways by adding nutrients and  pathogens (disease causing organisms) that can cause algal blooms and close our beaches and shellfish beds. Tell you friends to Scoop the Poop Long Island on Facebook.
Stewardship Activities- together we can all make a difference through beach clean-ups, invasive species removal, marsh grass plantings, and other activities to keep Oyster Bay and Cold Spring Harbor beautiful.